ADL Partnership Lab
The ASU ADL Partnership Lab’s primary focus is task-oriented exploratory learning environments.
This includes learning that takes place in simulated environments, context-aware performance support, and just-in-time learning to support on-the-job performance of individuals and teams. The lab is looking to a future that moves beyond the traditional training “course.” It is looking towards a new paradigm for learning that is lifelong and integrates with everything we do.

The ADL Initiative began as a DoD-wide program in the 1990s and continues to have defense personnel as core constituents. Today’s stakeholders are from a wider background that includes government, industry and academia.
The mission of this US government program is to promote best practices for distributed learning that is of highest-quality training, informal learning, and just-in-time support for individual needs that are cost-effective for anytime anywhere learning.
Scotty Craig
Associate Professor
Human Systems Engineering, The Polytechnic School
Dr. Craig is the Director of Research and Evaluation for the ASU Learning Engineering Institute. His work is at the intersection of cognitive science, user science and education sciences.
Lab news
Science of Learning and Readiness (SoLaR) project complete!
June 6th, 2021
The reports from our work are now available on the main ADL website.
Tutoring and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
October 6th, 2018
Tutoring and Intelligent Tutoring Systems has an associated URL.
xAPI Version 1.0.3 Released
September 21st, 2016
This week, Experience API (xAPI) version 1.0.3 was released. You can find the newest version of the specification here on GitHub